The packrafting gear is composed by many items, and we should know their functions and how to use them. Remember: Less weight in your pack, equals more fun on the trip. Having lots of items only makes packing and unpacking an ordeal. Small items (such as camera or snack) can be carried on the raft, attached to webbing behind your seat (depending on boat fit), kept inside a bow bag, or lashed to a dry bag.
Among the packrafting gear, you may find: Packraft, Paddle, Personal Flotation Device (PFD), Helmet, Drysuit, Wetsuit or rain clothes (depending on weather conditions). Gear can either be lashed on top of a packraft’s bow or stored inside the tubes. Internal storage lowers the boat’s center of gravity, improves sightlines over the bow, and keeps gear dry. Most packrafters with an internal storage option will opt for a combination of bow and internal storage. Bulky items that won’t be used during the day, such as camping and sleeping gear, are perfect candidates for storing inside the tubes during the day water section.